Vacuum, 2023.  Acrylics on cardboard, canvas and wood on wooden frame  265 cm x 236 cm. Permanent collection 'Amsterdamse Rechtbank'. Aldo van den Broek. Photo by Titia Hahne

Amsterdam Court House

A solo exhibition (open for public)
April 3 until June 27, 2024.

Within the solemn halls of the Amsterdam Courthouse, where the complexities of justice meet society, the polished stone walls starkly contrast Aldo’s use of humble materials such as soil, cardboard, and wood.

The exhibition Echo is a voyage that beckons viewers to delve deeper into their emotions and experiences. Each piece serves as a gateway into van den Broek’s introspective odyssey, set against a backdrop where the concepts of right and wrong are in constant flux, fostering a sense of engagement and connection with the artwork.

The exhibition encourages viewers to reconsider their roles and the weight of their responsibilities. Avoiding, judging, and embracing are all entangled in intricate gestures that evoke feelings of guilt and shame, intertwining with the daily life within the halls of justice.

For inquiries or guided tours please contact:

Opening hours:
Monday until friday
8 AM - 5PM

Amsterdamse Rechtbank, Parnassusweg 280, 1076 AV Amsterdam